sabato 15 novembre 2014

Facebook Marketing Part 1

Social Marketing (Facebook Marketing)

Many people consider Facebook an ideal tool to be in touch with friends, family and colleagues and so on, while others consider it just as fun, and while others consider it useless.
Actually, Facebook is a "social network" or a social network of employees at work, the same word would undermine curiosity in you already.
Research conducted during the month of April 2013 show that the Tablet PC are also used with a TV on, and cover practically the whole day. 
Obviously, the potential of Facebook is in the hands of young people, where 80% are young people aged between 15-18 years, rising to 73% are between 18-24 years old.
Can you imagine the potential of Facebook Marketing on a target like that?
That's why every company should consider carefully the Social Facebook Marketing  first of all, look at it carefully at your board, there are hundreds of news, each one refers to a site, requests to participate in a contest or your opinion.
Basically a mountain of Social Marketing.
Again non-stop running H24, take for example an e-commerce store dedicated to clothing, with a good strategy Facebook marketing will increase sales and shares and so on.
Or take for example a photo \ video about a great tourist place, in most cases there is a link with a super deal.
Then without forgetting names like Groupon and Groupalia that need all the Social Marketing.
And if you are not still surprised, imagine the functioning of Facebook as precise as a Swiss watch or nearly so. 
You know the ads on the right column and in your profile, it is not random advertising, is in that place for a reason.
Each time you press the "LIKE" Facebook understands that you are interested in a specific area, and that is that the Facebook Marketing leads .
For this reason, Facebook and Social Marketing should not take a back seat!