venerdì 21 novembre 2014


Social Marketing (Facebook Marketing)

Track your results

We arrived at the conclusion, now that you have much clearer ideas of the operation of the Facebook Marketing and inner potential, learn to read the statistics.

Always remember that a Facebook page only works if you generated content constantly, just a good morning every day, an offer, your customers will appreciate over time and the results will come.

Observe carefully the numbers that generate the individual posts and evaluated carefully:

The type of audience that follows you and your interests. Assume an E-Commerce, where a sweatshirt X generates 50 views  against 10 of another brand.

As Steve Jobs said the good, "people do not know what they want, until you show them" and considered the person, it is good to follow his advice.

The time! Carefully assessed the number of views also by time, to better understand when to launch the message.

Essentially dear readers, the Facebook Marketing is an excellent tool, but remember that if your goal are the numbers and patience is not your forte, the winning scheme in 2013 is what you see in the picture below.

Facebook Marketing

Social Marketing (Facebook Marketing), and all derivatives
Link Building, more talk about YOU, the more Google will include your potential Keyword Targeting.

It 'a hot topic, you need to understand how you are sought.
Content Quality and Accessibility.

If you sell products scarce and your site is bad under the terms of graphics and functional, forget about success.

Hoping to have helped and clarified many doubts about this mysterious Facebook Marketing, you can contact me through the comments.