domenica 16 novembre 2014

Facebook Marketing PART 2

Social Marketing (Facebook Marketing)

Now that you have a clearer idea of how  Facebook Marketing and everything that goes around ,  we see how to take advantage.

The first step that you need to understand is relative to your presence, regardless of your business or interest, you have to be present on Facebook.

Then delete your prejudices and proceed to the creation of a Facebook page related to your interest or sector.

Being on Facebook offers significant advantages, which now analyze. Imagine you have an E-Commerce with clothing dedicated to the youth sector, at present potential buyers can find your E-Commerce through Web Marketing Google, but the real boom in sales can reach thanks to Facebook Marketing.

The reason is obvious, the percentages mentioned that 80% of users are the youth sector, where each of them exceeds 100 friends without problems.

Consequently a Facebook page constantly active exhibiting your products to a base of 100 Fans can hit 10,000 people in a totally free!
It 'very easy to conclude that an advertising potential of 10,000 people in a totally free is madness discard from their strategies.

Before Facebook , users were encouraged to sign up to the "newsletter", where periodically received an email statement.

It 'a tool that obviously still works today but in a different way, the mails over time have grown exponentially, it is estimated that each person receives 30 mails every day to get to 210 per week and 1080 per month.

Imagine a mail such that many people showed the majority of the messages as read, without even opening them.

Facebook Marketing is different, it's like a newsletter, but direct your interests and not generic.

You know the famous saying "nothing works better than word of mouth", exactly! Imagine that your friend will say, "Hey, look at that beautiful this shirt" did ... Facebook Marketing! That's why the operation is flawless and generates so much interest.

Now that the operation and the potential is clear, do this for free in:

Open a Facebook page
Just open invited inside all your friends
Open a contest
If your industry is clothing: "Win a complete (shoes + jeans + mesh) to the achievement of our friends X" obviously the premium must be juicy and real
Your page will populate many of Fans
Or by making an investment:

  After following the 5 steps, use the work "Promote suffered" in this way your message will be relevant for a given period.

Or you can rely on the Facebook Marketing ADS where you can set an advertising campaign to accomplish your target.

Obviously you can do everything in the house, but I can assure you and advise you to use Google search of good professionals ensures results.

Consider that Facebook Marketing is the service is affordable, so a quick success is certainly to be found within a WebAgency.